First off, is anyone interested in adopting a baby raccoon?
Arthur found a nest of these things in a trailer he was demolishing. There were three of them there. They make small chirping noises and they really like it when you scratch their ears and neck.
He used to have one as a pet when he was younger. It used to do dishes for him when his sister did the dishes. It would also play tag and hide and go seek. They make great pets, unless you have chickens, and they may turn into a nuisance when they get older but hey, they only live 6 years and they're pretty cute!
Elder Decker has this poem that his sister sent to him. Someone in her singles ward at the U wrote it but we don't have their name. It's a great poem that is almost guaranteed to make you cry. We don't know what the name is, so I just made up my own name. Read it, and share it, put it on your wall. We want it to become just as famous as the footprints poem!\
Well we will start picking up here soon I think. There is a lot of work to do in the towns of Lovell and Byron. I am excited for this summer because that means that people have more free time to talk to us! But that also means that people will be doing things all the time. There is an excuse attached to every season...
We taught about the signs of the second coming in gospel principles because our teacher wasn't there. It helps to strengthen my testimony of the gospel to know that many of the signs are in relation to the restoration of Christ's true church.
I can bear my testimony to you that the gospel IS true and that Christ can get you through anything. Miracles do happen on a daily basis if you will just look for them.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Elder Garceau